I didn't make cards for Christmas this year. Very sad but I don't feel like making one but this is my 10 minutes christmas card! :)
No we are not celebrating Christmas this year. We don't have a christmas tree up. We don't decorate our house with christmas sparkle. We don't have presents even for my little brother. We don't have the whole family together. We don't have Christmas spirit neither did we have a happy talk.
I'm sorry for all this thing that unfortunately will upset you on this very Christmas day. But don't worry. I've lighten a candle and sit at the top of our house in the silence of the night. Everyone has gone to the centre of the city, to churches and family's house to celebrate Christmas. My house out was quiet and peaceful.
Christmas is about giving and I'm giving my heart to those who needed. I've made 10 minutes card on the last day of school to say "Merry Christmas" I've spend time painting boxes to these great kids in Cambodia. I wish I could do more. I don't wish for a christmas present I wish for a miracle (... sorry can't tell you) I'm happy for all that I've been given. All the love, the care and the heart of all the people who have given me so much strength in mylife and it's time to thank you all for being there, for helping me, for cheering me up and for not giving up on me.
Nuff said with all that talk...