As you know, I've been trying to come up with a character for my next project (can't tell you now. It'll be a surprise!) I'm quite upset that my inspiration is blocked. I haven't found a perfect character... and I will keep trying.
The moon festival is coming up at our school in a few weeks, and this year, I hope it will be much bigger and spectacular. I'm involved in doing the background for the performance and also the costumes designer with Eunice and Eunice drags me in being the co-director as well. haha imagine that... Anyway, we are so serious about this, which surprise me. I hope the costumes will be good. This is really the first time I took on the job, others is just haha blablabla comments...
There is so much to do, like my assessment, which I should be doing now. A science test (good luck to me!), which I should be revising. Math, which I should be practicing and working on it. A lantern to design and other stuff I should be working on. Hmm, I've managed to burn my English's - Vampire's handbook- it looks old, which was what I tried to do and burnt (a little too much) It looks funny to me :)
Here is another Sally out of my little tiny teeny time this afternoon and the fish society. You may have heard but I really do wish to be a fish!

"Sally and Vietnam" Tu Linh '09
" Just the fish" Tu Linh '09
There are many reasons to why I love drawing fish so much. Firstly, I just LOVE fish. Secondly, I love the water :D (Secret: I want to be a fish to be in the water all day) Drawing fishes just really free my mind because they are free and swimming, and they are so beautiful! There is nothing to worry about when you are a fish (except of course watch out for bigger fish) but there is really nothing bother you and the water would refresh your mind anyway down there :)
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