
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Handmade Notebooks

Yes, I've been making handmade blank notebooks.

Also, a plan on selling some to find money for a photography class I want to take.
It's a good idea and I've been making my own little doodling books because Vietnam don't have any of those thing.

It's hand-stiching, covers vary from the materials that is available and paper quality and book sizes can vary.

If you're interested on getting a Personalise - blank pages note book, please let me know.
I'd love to make you one!

Above is an example of a book cover.

Please note that your order may be rejected for various reason.


  1. I'd like one!
    and don't you dare reject my order.

  2. I'd love to make you one! Talk to me about how you want it to be like :D


Where life has taken me