
Friday, August 27, 2010

A N X I O U S.

I've been waiting on my feet all this summer just for something to happen.

So far there a few things are moving along with my visa application. I have submitted it and have my photo and finger prints taken after 10 times, back and forth at two different embassies. Sitting around make me anxious. I have also applied to UCA hoping to get a place. It's incredibly difficult to stay calm on my bare feet. I don't know where I'm moving toward. Is my life really taking a new leaf or am I just here stuck with no direction and purpose?

My life is on the hang meanwhile people are moving along with their lives. My friends are going to school, my sister is applying for university and even my baby cousin has started talking all day, walking and smiling a lot. I'm still right here where I've seated for the past 2 and a half months.

I watched series and movies of a year worth because I thought I won't have time anyway to during the year. I drew and design little things. I hangout with friends, go shopping, sent out my UCA application and constantly running to get visa documents done as required. Once all of that ran out, I read books and I mean a high pile of books. Now I have nothing to do and no desire to. I need to be inspire by life and I need something exciting to happen.
Finally broke down for a moment and that was such a relieve. I can feel most of the weight is gone. I'm still one step away from finally getting rid of this anxious feeling.

May be good things happen to good people. At the moment that's all I can dare look into.

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Where life has taken me